"While we try to teach our children all about life,Our children teach us what life is all about."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello Warm Weather and Stupid Sunglasses

So, the warm weather is coming. And we are all siked up about it, getting our flip flops out, bustin out the short shorts, and ripping the sleaves off our T's. But here's one thing that just drives me super crazy, why do people think it's cool, funny, hip, attractive to wear incrediably ginormous sunglasses that take up their entire face? Honestly, sunglasses have the purpose of keeping the sun out your EYES, not off of your cheek bones of forhead. I like a pair of sunglasses that are still stylish for today, but that do not look like I went back to 1986 and borrowed Aunt Bev's old frames.
So, unless your Elton John and can TOTALLY pull off a sweet pair of shades that are for other purposes that keeping the sun from burning your retnas, don't be stupid.

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