Our life has changes a lot since the last time I posted! I'm going to do a quick recap and then hope that catches it up! :)
1) Jude Timothy was born October 18th at 1:08pm. His delivery was quick and beautiful! He is now almost 5 months and it thriving! He is honestly the happiest baby I've ever met. He smiles and laughs all day long. He's already starting to like to stand and bounce when held up on my lap. He's having the same little skin issue that Jackson had at this age, but we're hoping he grows out of it too!
2) Jackson loves his baby brother! There is sometimes a little jealousy, but mostly hugs and kisses! :)
3) Jackson is going to be 2 next month. I just can't believe it. He's so bright and is already starting to read some words that we have on flash cards for him. He loves his alphabet and counting. He can count to 15 all by himself! We're hoping to get him in to some kind of "pre-school" sooner than later.
4) I am in agency training! I will be a State Farm Agent in Allison Park come October 1st! This all is happening and has happened so fast!!
5) Matthew is doing very well at work and is always coming up with new projects to do!
6) We really miss dad. Today marks a full year without him. He's in our thoughts every day. Love you dad- wish you were here.