HORRRAYY!! the house is officially for sale. A scary, but fun and exciting process! we're hoping for a quick sale (obviously like an home seller) so that we can know what to expect for our family's future. With Jude on his way, and Jackson getting so stickin big by the minute, we're anticipating a lot of new and BIG changes. As many of you know, and know us well, Matthew and I like to do all the big things, life changing big things, at once. :)
But we are still looking all over the place (always Butler County) for where we might want to live? There are so many things in the playing cards now that it's hard for us to decide on what we want/need at this point. Obviously we know Matthew has a great position at IbisTek and he will be employed with them for a few more years to come! :) And with me starting the agency process, we're hoping I get offered a site that is conducive to where we all want to be! I would love for the boys to go to the Mars School district, but we still have some time to decide on which schools they'll be attending, well, we think there's time, but Ev will be turning 3 (THREE!!) in December... just crazy.
Welllll, that's all for now. As my brother always ends his post with something catchy, as will I.
Keep it interesting families! :)
A few pics of baby Jackson.